WL1030 – Loop antenne



WL1030 – Wideband Magnetic Loop – 10kHz to 30MHz

This page is a replacement for the former WL1030.com domain.

In honor of Maarten Hagg


maartenThe designer       

It has been some time ago that my brother in law Maarten Hagg finalized the design of the WL1030 Magnetic Loop and started to plan production and sales. He had some prototypes produced at home and started talks with vendors and an assembly partner.

But his plans came to an abrupt end when he suddenly died in August 2005. Not only leaving behind family and friends but also all his intellectual property. We still got questions regarding the WL1030 antenna and it’s for that reason and to honor Maarten, that we have been putting up a domein and internet site in 2006.


The design

The intension is to reveal the design and to make it possible for those of you who do have the skills, to build a WL1030 yourself. All the relevant documents, pictures and advisory are published on this page.


Commercial info

We do not have kit’s available nor do we support activities as such. If you plan to build an antenna or have plans to make it a commercial product, feel free to do.


In 2007 an initiative started by a couple of radio enthusiast to help the HAM radio community with kits, containing the ‘difficult’ SMD components, coils and amplifier pcb. They also supported the builders with additional information, tips, pictures and the website had an active forum. This initiative has stopped unfortunatly in 2009 and the website was removed.

More copies of the design!

In March 2008, appeared in the ‘QRP NIEUWSBRIEF’, a quaterly magazine of the Benelux QRP Club, suddenly an other copy of the design. Again we where not informed by the author, (the way it goes in the Netherlands) so I regard this again as ‘Steal withPride’ and feel free to show you the articles. Unfortunately in Dutch but with easy to understand pictures and diagrams. You can find the scanned pages here. QRP Nieuwsbrief

Some notes and hints.

  • The design is created with PROTEL 99 SE. The Amplifier has a standard double sided PCB. The bottomside is mainly ground surface.
  • The Topside of the Amplifier PCB is again mainly ground surface. All components are surface mount.
  • Antenna Wire: For good results a 2.5 mm2 Litze Wire should be used. It has been stated 6 m m 2 before, but this wire is not on the m arket. A suitable Farnell number would be 60.7 200-21:WIRE, T PE 2.5MM BLACK 25


Additional documents.

Final wordings.

Again the intension is to publish the design. We do not have any kits, pcb’s or materials left.



I received kindly back the PROTEL99SE design files a couple of days after posting this page. You can download them here. CAM for WL1030_R4