The young NL4196, PA2112 a short-wave listener.
Starting in 1972 as 14 year old boy listening with a simple solid state radio, I heard special signals and wondered myself. Radio got me and I became a official shortwave listener NL4196 as member of the VERON (June 1972). My first “big” receiver was the B40 ex-navy and after a couple of years I bought my first commercial receiver, a Kenwood R599D. In combination with a Fritzel vertical GPA-3V all amateur bands where monitored and lot’s of hours where spend “playing” with the radio.
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That time two Amateur Radio Societies where existing (and still are). I could not choose so I became member of both.That’s why I got two Short-wave Listener Callsigns: NL-4196 (VERON) PA-2112 (VRZA) |
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The novice PD0CJH
In 1977 I obtained my first licence to operate on 6 fixed channels in the 2 meter band. 145.250,275,325,350,375 and 145.400 MHz. This so called D (Novice) licence was the start to get the C licence.
The equipment I used was a fixed channel Kenwood TR-2200GX. The antenna system consisted of a 9 element Tonna X beam and a 5/8 lambda GP. Home brew equipment was not allowed and we where restricted to 10 Watt FM only. My callsign was PD0CJH.
During this period I kept using my ex-equipment B40. I even bought one back after selling my first B40 receiver. But the ‘boatanchor’ is no longer with me.
Other surplus radio’s I used where R-209MK2, R-77, GRC-9, BC-728, BC1306, CPRC-26, A-510, FSE 38/58, BC-611, PRC-6, PRC-9.
PE1BQP is born!
In 1978 I became PE1BQP. A licence to operate VHF and higher bands. My beauty-machine the TS-700G.
The antenna system remained the same.
The radio virus weakened a bit when the YL Lida came into my live. But she got me as a Ham operator, that was part of the deal. I continued practising my Morse Code and passed the CW exam in 1979.
PA3ANG the final callsign.
Being now an A licence Ham, new equipment was needed to explore the “real” radio amateur frequencies: the “HF” bands. I got myself a Kenwood TS-120V. I could not effort more RF power due to lack of money.
Was this the start to become a more QRP focused operator?
Some rigs I had during the first 15 years being a full licenced PA3ANG
![]() Kenwood TR-9000 2 Meter all mode |
![]() Yaesu FT790 70cm all mode |
![]() Cloned 23 cm Transverter (Home brew) |
I changed my QTH a couple of times. Voorburg, Berkel & Rodenrijs, Muntendam, Emmen and always had my radio stuff with me. Here are some pictures of my radio shack.
For VHF (2 Meter) I bought a TS-9000. I had many years of pleasure with this rig. In the mean time i started building equipment for UHF (70 cm) and even SHF (23 cm), had my first Aurora and Sporadic E excitements and started to make equipment for Packet Radio (Nodes and BBS). In 1997 I built the local 2 meter repeater PI3ZOD in Emmen.
An other activity has been 10 Meter FM. Using modified DNT and HYCOM CB equipment, remote DTMF control and patching the 10 meter signals to 2 meter was one of the experiments we conducted during the 80’s. During this period I developed and produced a ‘small footprint’ CW Callsign generator and sold this to many Hams. This happened also with Baycom modem i developed for the Commodore C-64 computer. It wasn’t a booming business but al lot of Ham operators where activated with Packed Radio.
To suit the need in being a mobile Ham operator I had a variety of portable gadgets.
![]() Kenwood TR-2300 |
![]() Standard C101/C401 |
![]() Kenwood TH79 |
![]() Yeasu VX1R |
The QSL card which is still used and has been send all over the world:
Antennas mainly used in Emmen:
![]() VHF- SHF plus 10 Mtrs (1984) |
![]() HQ1 – Hybrid Quad for 20, 15, 10 and 6 Mtrs |
![]() Cushcraft R5 (1988) |
After 18 years having Emmen as our QTH we left and moved to Zwolle where we have a house with 4 floors and a roof terrace. A perfect opportunity to place and maintain a proper antenna system.
Currently (2009) I have the following antennas:
Cushcraft R5 (20/17/15/12/10 Meter)
Comet CA 2×4 Super II (2 Mtr & 70cm)
Diamond X50-N (2 Mtr & 70cm) or 4 el 70cm beam
Sirio SD1300-N (Discone 50-1300 MHz)
WL-1030 Magnetic Loop (10KHz – 30HMz)
G5RV Wire antenna (mounted on the other site of the house)
I have changed in 2005 the equipment again.
After succesfully using the Alinco DX-70T for a long period, I exchanged the DX-70 for an Yeasu FT-840. This rig has a better ‘Base Station’ look and feel compared to the ‘Mobile’ Alinco. The FT-840 is fully equiped with FM-Unit, AM & CW filter and FC-10 automatic antenna tuner.
An other gadget I bought (especially to go portable and for 6 meters):
Yeasu FT-817
In 2007 I bought the Elecraft K1 en K2 rigs. These rigs can be obtained in Kit form, but due to lack of time I bought them assembled. The rigs are full loaded with all possible accessory.
30+ years being a Ham resulted in
![]() AMSAT UO-14. Went Silent Key in 2003! |
Nowedays, i’m still changing equipment regualarly. Especially technological new HAM gear is purchased and evaluated voor HAM Radio useability. Below a picture from 2013, so it’s hopelessly outdated with a Hytera DMR mob., a FLEX-1500 and the Kenwood TS590S. All sold again for newer and modern gear.
As you now have reached the bottom of this page, a warm welcome to surf my blogs and get inspired. It’all about radio, hardware, software and internet. Take a look and get surprised.
Most pages are in Dutch. Some trending subjects are written in English.
vy 73 de Johan, PA3ANG